The difference between flexible LED screens and regular LED screens.

2023-10-23 08:00:49 Ddon Visual

Whether in the field of commercial advertising display, city traffic guidance, teaching, corporate meetings, enterprise exhibition halls, or large-scale event venues, we can see the use of LED advertising screens. Traditional LED advertising screens can only achieve flat rectangular display effects. With the advancement of LED display technology, more creatively shaped flexible LED screens are widely applied. Through flexible LED screen modules, they can be assembled into various shapes that are challenging for conventional screens, such as spherical, curved, cylindrical, ribbons, and waves. Today, with Ddon Visual in China, let's explore the main differences between flexible LED screens and conventional LED advertising screens.

 Flexible LED screen

1.Flexibility and Curvature:

Flexible LED screens can be bent and curved to adapt to different surface shapes, such as curved walls, columns, or other irregular surfaces. This flexibility allows for more creative and unique designs and advertising displays. Conventional rigid LED screens are typically inflexible and can only be installed on flat surfaces.


2.Weight and Thickness:

Flexible LED screens are usually lightweight, thin, and flexible, making them easy to hang, install, and transport. This makes them suitable for applications requiring quick setup and mobility. Conventional rigid LED screens are generally heavier and thicker, requiring more complex support structures and installation processes.


3.Reliability and Durability:

Flexible LED screens are designed to withstand bending and stretching, making them durable and capable of withstanding a certain degree of physical stress. This makes them suitable for outdoor use, events, and mobile applications. Conventional rigid LED screens may be more susceptible to physical damage and require careful handling and maintenance.


4.Ease of Installation:

Flexible LED screens are relatively easy to install on various surfaces without requiring extensive custom support structures. This saves installation time and cost. Conventional rigid LED screens typically require more engineering customization to adapt to specific installation environments.


5.Resolution and Brightness:

Flexible LED screens can typically achieve higher resolution and brightness, making them competitive in terms of visual performance. They can be used in indoor and outdoor advertising, as well as performance applications. Conventional rigid LED screens can also provide high resolution and brightness but are typically more suitable for large indoor and outdoor fixed installations.

 Spherical LED advertising screen

In summary, flexible LED screens offer advantages in terms of flexible assembly and greater portability, making them more competitive in specific scenarios. However, users need to choose based on the requirements of their projects, considering factors such as the overall budget and environmental conditions. It's important to note that flexible LED screens are currently more commonly used in indoor settings, and their protective capabilities may not yet match those of conventional LED advertising screens. Therefore, users should make flexible selections based on multiple factors when purchasing. The above is the analysis of the main differences between flexible LED screens and conventional LED advertising screens, and we hope this article is helpful to you. Ddon Visual in China focuses on the development and production of high-quality full-color LED advertising screens, providing one-stop product solutions for LED advertising screens, supporting wholesale of LED screen modules, custom whole screens, stage rentals, and the development and sale of unique products. If you have related product needs, please feel free to contact Ddon Visual, and we will provide comprehensive product solutions and quality services.

Ddon Visual